Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dear Santa....

Dear Santa....

Hope you are all happy and merry… you should be, you have holidays all year through and do your job is only one day… ok maybe a week… hey its not fair, you should do your groundwork to check what people like and if they have been good or bad… you expect us to do your job and send it in writing… damn you are lazy…but you are considered highly honorable so we have no choice but to update you with what we like… J

I haven’t been good this year. I have hurt so many people I love, I made mistakes, I have been rude and witchy. and bitchy to a certain extent this year. I don’t wanna lie to you although im very sure you’d believe me if I do coz you are too lazy to figure things out anyway…… and why you chose to come through the chimney still bugs me, you are one weird guy aren’t you :P

One advice for you though, please don’t hide gifts inside socks… people don’t use socks anymore… its outdated… which century do you live in? I think you should join fb…, so a quick status view you’ll know what people want…

I don’t think I have the right to ask anything from you this year,

a) because I haven’t been good this year so I don’t qualify to ask for anything and

b) you didn’t give me what I wanted last year so I lost faith in you.

So I decided to ask for what few of my friends want…the ones who have been good this year :D

no im not writing names, its for me to know and you to find out…

My little bro needs 3B’s for AL’s… He is brainy but too lazy… distract him a bit from all these cute girls and facebook for a bit…make him study real hard this time so he can top with 3 As J

You need to give a hug and a bagful of happiness to my best friend this Christmas… she is down these days, ill give you a hint… let her see you coming through the chimney im sure the sight of a fat big old man squeezing through the chimney will be hilarious for few days :P

You need to stretch Christmas for 6 more days… my little sister wants to keep the most precious gift of hers closer to her till her birthday… it will be a dream come true for the whole world with one week holiday :D its your golden chance to be a super hero…

I need to be an aunt soon… so you need to get my elder sister pregnant… (the one who is married not the others- now don’t confuse with the other ones ok… we don’t want unwanted pregnancies for unmarried women) bless her to give us a little baby girl as artistic, creative, talkative and crazy just like her…

Santa, this other sister of mine needs to fall in love soon… Tell her that she needs to take the chance once in a while to break the wall which is blocking her from herself... tell her that its alright to get hurt sometimes because it will only make her stronger…

You need to steal the mobile phones of the most stupidest sister I have… lock them in a cupboard so she doesn’t dial potential in-laws while making out with “apna pardesi”… No hold it… make all her potential inlaws deaf…, cos she is anyway capable of saying that how much she hates their country out loud anytime soon…

Dear Santa, my son needs to be a crocodile…. Find me a lovely daughter in law so he will start having better dreams… he is a potential romantic… so why waste romeos?? This country needs romantic boyfriends desperately….

My 14 year old brother wants to grow up soon… tell him that this is the age of innocence…. Tell him that he should enjoy all the crushes that come his way ;) big or small and fall over and over again… so when he truly falls one day he will be thankful to all the experiences that came his way…

He needs his baby girl with him this Christmas… or he needs a time machine to go back to his past with her… Give him a time machine to go for one day’s ride to the future.. so he ll realize that hanging on to the past is a waste… and learn to let go…

Bless her this Christmas so she wont cut the line off the big fat dude she is crazy about calls her to ask her out… make her say YES… But santa if he plays around make sure you hire him as your assistant… he can run around and do your homework for you… he is gonna be jobless from next month anyway ;)

Well that’s all from me this time… I’ve lost faith in you but don’t let my friends lose faith in you too :P

Fingers crossed XXXX

You be Good,


One confused witch :P

P.S. Buy a phone…. Letters aren’t considered as a communication method anymore… its too outdated…


Friday, December 24, 2010

stolen quotes by few of my favourite people :P

who invented Mondays? They suck

- Shamalee de silva

(sooo true and agreed completely)

Screw all you people who are proud to be Sri Lankan only when we win a match :P

- Rehan Fernando

(i love this)

When I get there I look for you, If your there, It makes me mad, When your not there I am miserable

- Hazel Rajiah

(i know the feeling... it sucks)

I need someone who can make me cry when I smile and make me smile when I cry

- Dayan Silva

(didnt quite understand this... i will slap someone who makes me cry when i smile)

vichi cry with me if you need to… but you cry in front of them and ill slap you

- Akila Kodituwakku

(i love u aki... blessed to have someone who cares abt me more than i do abt myself )

i dnt want a single woman in my life other than u 'mom'

- Dushan de Silva

(okkk now this kinda freaked me out... managed to create quite a controversy on fb)

don’t chase the one whome you are in love with. Go for the one who is crazily in love with you... so then one day even when chemistry and passion fades out, he will still stand by you to share a life time despite how intolerable we are…

- Nipunika Solangarachchi

(thanks nips... ur advice taken in the new year)

Women are like traffic lights, they give clear signals RED – No don’t even think of making a move, Yellow – Still pending… Green – Yes yes yes… but it takes an intelligent man to read them… well some are just plain colour blind

- Kaushalya Mendis

(LOL one of the best of kaushi)

I loved you... I wanted you... I got you... I lost you...

- Anushka Pieris

(this is so real and emo)

remember.. when u work on a dream... it will turn out to be a target than a dream....else it is just another dream... like I wanted to be hugged by Jude Law in my dreams... i never ever set it my target :D

- Sumudu Hewage

(i decided never to dream... when i wake up its like living a nightmare... i happen to compare dreams with reality)

take the chance… go for it… sometimes in life you need to get hurt.. but believe me you will be alright

- Sharnez Abeywardena

(love u and thank u... ur my inspiration :D )

women are like cars… to keep them up and running you have to keep maintaining them at a very high cost…. Higher the model is higher the cost

- Anushan Weerasooriya

(you said this loong time ago... what to do ya, u keep on going for expensive models na )

getting married means going through a lot… it means doing someone else laundry…

- Mrs. Anurika de Silva

(true and freaky)

The word ‘de-motivation’ is not in our dictionary… it happens to us on a daily basis… we cant afford to be demotivated because we don’t have time for it

- Vibhu Wickramasinghe

(this thought itself motivated me... )

you can never have a long term plan when you are approaching a woman.. its always short term… women are too unpredictable to plan in long term

- Laknada de Mel

(insulted but agreed... maybe with the right approach u can plan long term )

you cant judge people based on opinions… everyone is entitled to have their own opinion… who gave you the right to judge mine

- Gail Bandara

(i wish everyone thinks like this... )

you are intolerable... spoilt... immature... crazy and impatient... but we love u anyway ;)

- Nilanka Fernando

(love u too for loving the real me)

I guess its always harder to get over being let down by those you hold dear because you never expect them to do so

- Shyana Wijeratne

(and also because u dont hold everyone close to ur heart)


Saturday, September 25, 2010

what keeps me going... 8 years down the line.. still to be a LEO... :)

Most of my friends tell me enough of being a Leo and I should quit without wasting my time… Given lot of thought to it… I realized… it was 8 years ago…

My heart was in to help out someone less fortunate always but seeing my parents run one meeting to another, I hated Lions and the every bit of wasting time in it… I was forced to join the dilemma and that too as the first club president of a new leo club… when I was picked at the final orientation I was traumatized… it was just after ALs, I had 20 guys and 2 girls in the club… and truly I didn’t know what to do… it wasn’t easy, coz everybody were elder and as a president I didn’t wanna boss them around but STILL had to made them listen and work… I learnt my first lesson from Leoism very soon… not every person can be approached in the same way… to get things done, some need to be buttered up... some need to be complimented… and YES some needs to be yelled at… Flirting must have worked too but it was never my style back then :P Soon I realized that its not easy to lead people from different walks of life without being diplomatic and tactful… never being a diplomat for the last 18 years, I learnt to listen, to ignore, to voice out and mostly to be patient.

Soon I started enjoying little bits of the things I did which kept me going… being a stubborn, spoilt only child of my family it taught me how to be a part of one BIG family… it taught me how the simplest things can make people happy… it taught me how to smile at little things in life… and it made me realize how blessed I was unlike many many less fortunate people in our country…

it taught me that “deadline” & “punctuality” are not just words… it taught me how to be a friend and stay calm when friends be-friend… this movement gave me my first job, it made me to do things I never even dreamt of doing before… I slapped a guy for the first time (a leo yes!!!) , I knitted a jacket for an achchi at an elders home and got blasted for messing it up, held the hand of a seeya when he cried saying how I reminded of his daughter who left him at an elders home to migrate.… I hugged a differently abled kid when he called me "amma" in front of hundreds of people... I sang carols LOUDLY… walked door to door to sell tickets in aid of cancer hospital… I got humiliated million times in public :P

I’ve seen Leos falling in and out of love with each other… I’ve seen them dating and breaking up… I’ve seen some happily married with kids today… was never the same with me, being a person who rarely get attracted to anyone this movement made me get crushes on 2 ;) (not during the same time span.. duh) both awesome ofcourse… and yes I enjoy every bit of it… even now… wont tell the rest:P

This movement taught me how people can change... how crazy… how stupid and how immature they can stoop low to earn “recognition”. It taught me that “competition” is not just a word but includes loads of sweet talks to the face and stabbing behind backs… it taught me how to say NO to people and things I don’t like ;) (ahem… wont go into details there) it taught me how to deal with psychotics and lunatics… (today I can tackle any psychopath without freaking out… lol)

It taught me how to handle criticism without getting affected…. How to accept defeat for unfair reasons…. To stay calm with a smile and realize life is not fair all the time…

I know many who left the movement because of the same reasons that I chose to stay on… experience of all these has been a guide to live my life fully without regrets… to learn, to accept, to fail to fall and then to move on…
This Leo movement made me smile… made me laugh… made me cry… made me yell… made me scream… made me love… made me human and made me LIVE my life… During the past 8 years it has seasoned me, spiced me… tempered me… and it made ME a complete human being… it made ME what im… and maybe that’s why I’m still a LEO… I had more than thousand reasons to quit… but i didn’t, because it taught me a lot much more than Leadership, Experience & Opportunity…


Thursday, September 9, 2010

our side of the story.... reply to "tribute to nice guys"

This is for the girl who is also known as a tom boy, sometimes vicious, sometimes crazy and fiercely loyal. This is in honour to all the girls who have been there for guys but never being noticed because they have never been “drama queens” or centre of attention among guys.

This is for the girls who don't want to play mind games, but always end up being confused victims of them, who provide a comforting hug to a guy friend when he goes on and on about how a “bus knocked up his newly fixed alloy wheels and paint” not understanding a single word. But yet being the supportive audience for a story they've heard a thousand times. This is for the girls who understand that they aren't perfect and that the guys they're interested in aren't either, for the girls who worry and obsess over the slightest glance, whisper or a touch of him because somehow they are able to keep alive that hope that maybe, just maybe this time he feels the vibe like you do. This is a tribute to the girls who laugh out loud forgetting all girly manners, who are comfortable in oversized t-shirts but not tight skirts, who care more then they should for guys who don't deserve their attention. This is for the girls who have been in through it all, when he dumped you or your best friend for the HOTTIE in town, who have watched other girls fake up and flirt with the guys in their lives. This is for the girls who have been there from the beginning and have heard all words of advice from all around the world saying" there are plenty of fish in the sea" to "time heals all wounds" This is to honor those girls who know that guys are just as scared as they are, who know that they deserve better but who are seeking to find it.

This is for the girls who have fallen in and out of love, but still fall anyway because they don’t want to miss getting butterflies in their stomachs and how a simple glance can melt them away. This is for the girls who have offered to write him notes when he went out to play pool, to the girls who run in to save a chair for him in the morning lecture without breakfast when he spends time flirting in cafeteria. This is for the girls who have left sad song lyrics as their facebook statuses, who have tried to make him understand through a just a simple line, who have time and time again dropped him hint after hint only to watch him chase after that fake hot girl in a skirt. This is for the girls who have been told they're "too good" or "too smart" or "too pretty", who have been given compliments as a way of breaking off a relationship or who have ever been told they are only wanted as a friend.

This one is for the girls who you can take home to your mom, but won't because its easier to pass time with all women who are free to flirt on. This is for the girls who have been led on by all simple signals, all of which were either only true for the moment, or never real to begin with. This is for the girls who have allowed a guy into their head and heart and life, only to discover that "he's not ready" or "he's just not ready for commitment". This is for the girls who believe all these stupid excuses because it's easier to believe that it's not that they dont want you but its that they dont want anyone.

This is for the girls who have had their hearts broken and their hopes dashed by him to have cared in the first place, this is for the nights spent analyzing every word and tone in his speech with your girlfriends when he said “I never saw her in that way” or “My feelings are negative towards her”, “she is my bestfriend not my girlfriend, I don’t know what to call us” or something absolutely blunt and sharp as “I don’t feel anything for you anymore”. This is for the girls who have waited for soo long and finally having realized that it wasn't that he didn't want a relationship; it was that he didn't want you. This is for the night you realized that it would never happen, and the sunrise you saw the next morning after crying all night pretending to sleep.

This is for the "I really like you, so let's still be friends" This is for the girls who have been used and abused, who have endured what he was giving because at least he was giving something; this is for the stupidity of the nights we've believed that something was better than nothing, though his something was nothing we'd have ever wanted. This is for the girls who have been satisfied with too little and who have learned never to expect anything more, the secrets and mistakes he did were kept safe with you, hugged him and assured “everything will be ok” but in return when you tell something in confidence they successfully manage to highlight it as the “topic of the month”. This is for girls who gave everything they could coz he called you a friend, and coz you took him as one but ended up feeling used and lost when he wasn’t even there for you as a friend. This is for the hugs you've received from your girlfriends, for the nights they've wiped your tears saying that you are "beautiful and intelligent and loyal and truly worthy of a great guy".

Guys sit and question and whine that girls are only attracted to the mean guys, the guys who betray them, insult them and don't appreciate them and don't want them; Guys complain that they never meet nice girls, girls who are genuinely interested and compelling, who are intelligent and sweet and smart and beautiful; They say that no good women want to share their lives, that girls play mind games,

Our question to you is:

If you meet one of these genuinely interested, thrilling, compelling, interesting and intelligent and sweet, and beautiful and smart girl will you take time to get to know her, to understand if she is really the one? Or will you just flirt because she was looking extremely gorgeous at the party tonight and call her “hot” but would you, or would you not, refuse to make plans with her, speak with her, see her again, and once again return to party and search once more for this "nice girl" who you just cannot seem to find?

So don't say you're on the lookout for the nice girls, guys, when you pass us up on every step you take. There is a nice girl in every girl. Sometimes we go undercover; sometimes we go in disguise; sometimes when that girl in the low cut top or the too tight dress won't answer your whistle... you should know…

we might say we like the attention, we might blush and giggle and turn back to our friends, but we're all thinking the same thing.

"This isnt me... Tomorrow morning I'll be wearing a T-shirt and pyjamas… without make up, eating breakfast with my bestfriend talking about how heels hurt… See through the disguise, See the real me"

You never do. Why? Because you only see the exterior, you only see the hot girl who flirts with you. You don't want the nice girl… so dont say you're looking for a relationship - relationships take time and energy and compromise, three things we're willing to extend - but in return, we're looking for love, loyalty and trust, three things you never seem willing to express. Maybe "nice guys finish last", but in the race they're running they're chasing after all the easy-targets... the nice girls are waiting at the finish line with a bottle of water, a towel and a hug, hoping against hope that maybe you'll realize that they're the ones that you want at the end of that silly race.


Monday, July 19, 2010

when you become parents....

“When we were five, they asked us what we wanted when we grew up… Our answers were things like astronaut, president… or in my case, princess. When we were ten, they asked us again and we answered – rockstar, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we’ve grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how ‘bout this: who the hell knows?! This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, it’s the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere and chill. Fall in love – a lot. Major in philosophy coz there’s no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent… So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be… we won’t have to guess. We’ll know….”
Jessica - Eclipse Movie

Sometimes parents want to live the life they never did through their children… They want the best for their kids… true… But maybe they never realize the cost of sacrificing to do what you really really want when your parents dream you becoming a doctor or an engineer… When you finish high school your left with a boundaries… opportunities… hopes… dreams… fears… BUT with limitations… They want you to make the right choice… the right decision… something you wont regret…

Decisions come with all these boundaries… when you look back 20 years down the line, sometimes you will realize you’ve become what someone else wanted you to become not what you truly dreamt of…

Let your kids…

Play outside in the rain… get soaked and get sick… they will get sick and you will have to stay at home look after them, but that’s ok… because one day they will tell their friends that they have the best parents on earth who gave them their most cherished childhood memory…

Don’t force them to do their homework… they have teachers at school to scold them… they need you at home with love and affection… Let them get punished and learn by themselves… and come home to tell you what a cow their maths teacher is :P

When they score low marks in term test, don’t scold them… tell them they will do fine next time… they need courage from the people they love most… they wont fail in life coz they got low marks in one test (you did fine didn’t you, despite the born stupidity :P)

Don’t force your son to play football coz you love Ronaldo… If he wants be an artist, let him… support him to be the best artist in the world… Maybe he will tell you one day he wants to be a Pianist… don’t tell him how gay it sounds… wait… till he realizes it by himself… (if he is actually gay, then its a different story)

If your daughter comes and tells you she is in love… don’t yell at her...or tell her she is too young... or ask her to break up with him and think she lost the person she loves most because of her parents… Tell her to take it slow… Let her fall in love with the wrong person… one day when she is in her 20’s, she will realize that he is not the one… and when she finds the right guy, she will thank you for standing by her…

Let them make mistakes… so that they will learn one day not to repeat… Let them dream… let them hit the rock bottom… all you can do is help them climb back… let them get disappointed… let them regret… let them fail… when they admit…, tell them that its not the end of the world and give them strength to carry on…

let them live their life… its theirs not yours :)

P.S. tagged the parents i know... and potential parents to be in the next 5 years :P

Monday, July 12, 2010

confessions of a lunatic....

Sometimes you just have to confess… not everything which runs through your mind… definitely not!!!

But atleast a bit… to get you back to sanity…

12. I have a crush on wimal weerawansa… since 1999/2000 maybe… I found it quite cute when President gave him a glass of water…

Realization: Maybe they have something goin on between them ;)

11. Its my fault not to start on the novel… it really is… But I always blame Himaya for the lack of motivation…

Note: The best motivation technique she has is to YELL till I keep the phone… but still it works ;)

10. For the last 6 months, I’ve taken medicine lets say more than 6 times… and never drank more than two tablets everytime... for some reason I hate them and because I get scolded from papa I throw them down the sink… ;)

Realization: Sometimes the thought of drinking medicine cures your sickness ;)

9. I think the worst ever romance series in history is the twilight saga… which is the most crappiest fantasy written ever… but hats off to Stephani Mayer for giving a new definition to “ladies dream man” ;)

Note: the best handbook for every man who cant flirt is twilight :P

8. I owe a LOT to Sumudu… really really a lot… she took care of all the unknown devils and evil spirits in my life and only god knows how much im gonna miss her when she goes to the concrete land I hate :(

P.S. sometimes u just need to have a g.f. to get away from certain things ;)

7. I will not admit to her face but Akila has more influence on me more than anyone I know… she should stop saying things to me… how much I argue with her I end up doing what she suggests :S

Note: Maybe being born 6 months before really has an effect :P

6. I take my best friend for granted… Jinna is the only person who manages to keep me calm and less wild… she loves me more than I love her… I really really should value her more than I do…

Note: I really loved the cake she baked on my birthday :P

5. I will kill pachee if she gives me an iron as a birthday gift… will seriously punch her... like we did with each other back in grade 9… The least boring friend I have is planning to give me the most boring gift!!!

P.S. if anyone else is looking to buy me boring birthday gifts, let me announce “I’m not yet 40”

4. Adds most of the people on Facebook coz I have NO choice… I wish I could delete all the ones I don’t want to be friends with….

Note: the total will drop to two numbers for sure :P

3. I hate hypocrites and they annoy me I just want to slap them…. Yes lots of Leos qualify into that category… Lions too ;)

Note: if my thoughts were implemented more than 40 would be slapped and about 20 would have black marks below their eyes ;)

2. I really cant stand when people use the statements “no worries” and “no fuss” when I say “thank you” it’s the worst reply you could give… better to keep silent without insulting the most polite statement received…

Also the most sarcastic way to insult a person is to start by saying “with due respect” why would you want to sugar coat an insult :P (I really don’t get it)

1. Until I met Gihani I thought I cant keep secrets :P now im confident… really really confident :D

Note: She owes me more than coffee for the calming effort I have on her… so she wont turn the entire office upside down :P

P.S. Actually for that reason alone, the entire office owes me ;)

Ok that’s it… 12 is enough… I feel better now and should stop!!!

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