who invented Mondays? They suck
- Shamalee de silva
(sooo true and agreed completely)
Screw all you people who are proud to be Sri Lankan only when we win a match :P
- Rehan Fernando
(i love this)
When I get there I look for you, If your there, It makes me mad, When your not there I am miserable
- Hazel Rajiah
(i know the feeling... it sucks)
I need someone who can make me cry when I smile and make me smile when I cry
- Dayan Silva
(didnt quite understand this... i will slap someone who makes me cry when i smile)
vichi cry with me if you need to… but you cry in front of them and ill slap you
- Akila Kodituwakku
(i love u aki... blessed to have someone who cares abt me more than i do abt myself )
i dnt want a single woman in my life other than u 'mom'
- Dushan de Silva
(okkk now this kinda freaked me out... managed to create quite a controversy on fb)
don’t chase the one whome you are in love with. Go for the one who is crazily in love with you... so then one day even when chemistry and passion fades out, he will still stand by you to share a life time despite how intolerable we are…
- Nipunika Solangarachchi
(thanks nips... ur advice taken in the new year)
Women are like traffic lights, they give clear signals RED – No don’t even think of making a move, Yellow – Still pending… Green – Yes yes yes… but it takes an intelligent man to read them… well some are just plain colour blind
- Kaushalya Mendis
(LOL one of the best of kaushi)
I loved you... I wanted you... I got you... I lost you...
- Anushka Pieris
(this is so real and emo)
remember.. when u work on a dream... it will turn out to be a target than a dream....else it is just another dream... like I wanted to be hugged by Jude Law in my dreams... i never ever set it my target :D
- Sumudu Hewage
(i decided never to dream... when i wake up its like living a nightmare... i happen to compare dreams with reality)
take the chance… go for it… sometimes in life you need to get hurt.. but believe me you will be alright
- Sharnez Abeywardena
(love u and thank u... ur my inspiration :D )
women are like cars… to keep them up and running you have to keep maintaining them at a very high cost…. Higher the model is higher the cost
- Anushan Weerasooriya
(you said this loong time ago... what to do ya, u keep on going for expensive models na )
getting married means going through a lot… it means doing someone else laundry…
- Mrs. Anurika de Silva
(true and freaky)
The word ‘de-motivation’ is not in our dictionary… it happens to us on a daily basis… we cant afford to be demotivated because we don’t have time for it
- Vibhu Wickramasinghe
(this thought itself motivated me... )
you can never have a long term plan when you are approaching a woman.. its always short term… women are too unpredictable to plan in long term
- Laknada de Mel
(insulted but agreed... maybe with the right approach u can plan long term )
you cant judge people based on opinions… everyone is entitled to have their own opinion… who gave you the right to judge mine
- Gail Bandara
(i wish everyone thinks like this... )
you are intolerable... spoilt... immature... crazy and impatient... but we love u anyway ;)
- Nilanka Fernando
(love u too for loving the real me)
I guess its always harder to get over being let down by those you hold dear because you never expect them to do so
- Shyana Wijeratne
(and also because u dont hold everyone close to ur heart)
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