“When we were five, they asked us what we wanted when we grew up… Our answers were things like astronaut, president… or in my case, princess. When we were ten, they asked us again and we answered – rockstar, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we’ve grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how ‘bout this: who the hell knows?! This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, it’s the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere and chill. Fall in love – a lot. Major in philosophy coz there’s no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent… So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be… we won’t have to guess. We’ll know….”
Jessica - Eclipse Movie
Sometimes parents want to live the life they never did through their children… They want the best for their kids… true… But maybe they never realize the cost of sacrificing to do what you really really want when your parents dream you becoming a doctor or an engineer… When you finish high school your left with a boundaries… opportunities… hopes… dreams… fears… BUT with limitations… They want you to make the right choice… the right decision… something you wont regret…
Decisions come with all these boundaries… when you look back 20 years down the line, sometimes you will realize you’ve become what someone else wanted you to become not what you truly dreamt of…
Let your kids…
Play outside in the rain… get soaked and get sick… they will get sick and you will have to stay at home look after them, but that’s ok… because one day they will tell their friends that they have the best parents on earth who gave them their most cherished childhood memory…
Don’t force them to do their homework… they have teachers at school to scold them… they need you at home with love and affection… Let them get punished and learn by themselves… and come home to tell you what a cow their maths teacher is :P
When they score low marks in term test, don’t scold them… tell them they will do fine next time… they need courage from the people they love most… they wont fail in life coz they got low marks in one test (you did fine didn’t you, despite the born stupidity :P)
Don’t force your son to play football coz you love Ronaldo… If he wants be an artist, let him… support him to be the best artist in the world… Maybe he will tell you one day he wants to be a Pianist… don’t tell him how gay it sounds… wait… till he realizes it by himself… (if he is actually gay, then its a different story)
If your daughter comes and tells you she is in love… don’t yell at her...or tell her she is too young... or ask her to break up with him and think she lost the person she loves most because of her parents… Tell her to take it slow… Let her fall in love with the wrong person… one day when she is in her 20’s, she will realize that he is not the one… and when she finds the right guy, she will thank you for standing by her…
Let them make mistakes… so that they will learn one day not to repeat… Let them dream… let them hit the rock bottom… all you can do is help them climb back… let them get disappointed… let them regret… let them fail… when they admit…, tell them that its not the end of the world and give them strength to carry on…
let them live their life… its theirs not yours :)
P.S. tagged the parents i know... and potential parents to be in the next 5 years :P
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