i never believed in political parties... my first vote was in 2005, presidential election... i voted for Mahinda, simply because i didn't want to vote for a joker and believed that who ever i vote for should be a person whom i can respect... most of the people around me are UNP, argued and tried to convince me, mock at me or laugh when i said im voting for the current President. Today i'm more than glad for NOT voting a joker or a traitor who goes and conducts peace talks with Norway when his own country is celebrating...
I have friends who say, celebrations are way too much and people are crazy to dance around like this... But isn’t that because no one cares even to look back to think of the terror and tension most of the citizens in this country faced...For the past two years thousands of soldiers died, thousands of homes were funeral houses, with more than millions of people filled with tension when listening to news everyday to hear the situation in North... Most of us are lucky, we have vehicles, never go in buses or trains and have mobiles with us, and were only worried about the economy in the country and how business gets affected; some left the country is because they wanted a "better life"...
But in the same country there were millions of people who were scared to death till their families come home because in Sri Lanka, most of us still go by bus and trains and don’t have mobiles... They, the true Sri Lankans Celebrate today... they make kiribath, take national flags, light crackers and dance in the streets... they had tears in their eyes when they celebrate because more than most of us, they suffered from terrorism and fear and they know how it feels to be FREE today..
The upper middle class along with upper social elite consists of 28% of the population in this country... That 28% represents the best in the business world, the best in professionals and the best in education... Why is it so hard for the "best" to take a moment to be happy and smile at the rest of US who are truly happy and celebrating... Why cant they just give credit to the forces who sacrificed their lives to make today a reality…. all talks of DNA reports being false and prabakaran is still alive and the government bluffing is fine and accepted if they are LTTE supporters... But as true Sri Lankans who were born and raised should owe this country at least to keep their mouths shut!!!
Whatever the talks were in town, President should be given credit for being a leader who had the strength to reject all influences and threats which came his way from strong and dynamic countries.. Its amazing how he could stand by the decision he made despite all contrivances created around the world.. Praise needs to be given where it’s needed irrelevant of the parties... It was very shameful to see many opposition leaders saying various things insulting the forces at parliament premises which were rapidly followed by the rest of the so called "BEST" in this country...
Why Sri Lanka is not developed today, is NOT only coz of the war which was there for the past 3 decades. It was also coz there are many egoistic pigs out of the 28% who always believe in one belief, deaf to others and never gives credit for what it deserves. They say "change is inevitable" but looks like some % of SL still don’t know how to adopt and at least try to THINK about someone else apart from themselves for a change!!!
This country is never going to get developed as long as MYSELF comes before MY COUNTRY & MY NATION...
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